Showing all 7 results
Bracelet 500420
You do not have permission to access the price.rubber black
Aluminium red, silver diametre 3mm 20mm long
lemgth app 18.5cm -
Collier 601198
silver, lemonYou do not have permission to access the price.rubber black Aluminium lemon
Cubes 8mm
length app. 47cm -
Bracelet 500335
red, multicolor goldYou do not have permission to access the price.high-grade steel / Aluminium gold, silver, grey
Test openstream EN
wire anthracite, darkblue, wire greyYou do not have permission to access the price. -
Collier 640009
You do not have permission to access the price.high-grade steel / freshwaterpearl 7.5mm
Lenght app. 44cm -
Collier 600527
multicolor light blue, wire bronze, multicolor goldYou do not have permission to access the price.high-grade steel bronce / Aluminium gold
Length app. 45cm -
Collier 600419
You do not have permission to access the price.high grade steel /Aluminium black
Lenght app. 45.5cm